Using case studies from Palestine, the Prison Industrial Complex, and First Nations communities in so-called Australia, this session aims to expand our working knowledge of queerness beyond identitarian constructs in order to consider the ongoing historical consequences of enclosure, the nuclear family, and settler colonialism.


  •  Cathy J. Cohen, “Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens”

  • Excerpt from Hear Us (Writing from the Inside During the Time of Covid) 

  • Excerpt from If They Come in the Morning, edited by Angela Davis

  • Excerpt from Nothing to Hide: Voices of Trans and Gender Diverse Australia

Queer Liberation Beyond the Closet

Members of ALQAWS, a queer Palestinian organization at a protest in 2021.


Visions of Solidarity, Building Organization Among Contradictions


Afro-Caribbean Feminism and Surrealism