First Issue of Third World Women's Alliance Journal, Triple Jeopardy, 1971

First Issue of Third World Women's Alliance Journal, Triple Jeopardy, 1971

“Third World coalitions [are] the struggle we haven’t really explored. When we talk about coalitions, it always seems to be about black and white. That’s a real waste.”

- Toni Cade Bambara

The Third World Feminist School is a popular education initiative between (F)empower, miami workers center, and university of miami.

This school challenges us to move beyond an empty multiculturalism and towards a revolutionary coalition between women of color. Revisiting the contributions of feminists of color of the 1970s and 1980s, we seek to participate in and more deeply engage Third World World solidarity: a global coalition between those most affected by racial capitalism. The concept of Third World Feminism acknowledges that because our collective experiences of cisheteropatriarchy, imperialism, and racism are intertwined, our resistance must be, too. Our struggles may differ in degree and kind, but we can only get free together. Let us learn with and from the decolonial projects of our comrade sisters and kindred in the Global South.